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Welcome to the October edition of our newsletter!

At the heart and soul of our various programs are students who love to build. Huddled around Tinkerers’ Lab at night, or concentrating to finish their work before competition deadline, students can be found in the eye of the storm full of Arduinos, power tools, and wires.

For every engineering student, prototyping becomes an essential experimental process. It’s where they take this gusto and their skills to bring an idea to life, transforming it into a working model.

In this edition of the newsletter, I want to walk you through the inspiring stories of these prototypes and how they have become an integral part of every engineering student’s journey. I also want to give you a brief glimpse of the Vishwakarma Awards, where our talented students showcase their ability to build innovative solutions to real-world problems.

I’m excited to share these outstanding achievements with you.

Dr. Hemant Kanakia


Engineering Excellence: Student Prototypes on Display

In this section, we unveil conversations from our community and a world of innovation, where students become pioneers of possibility, transforming their ideas into tangible solutions. Their creations, whether born from curriculum or nurtured as a hobby, reflect not only their technical prowess but also a desire to create.

Magnetic-Levitation Wind Turbine

The brainchild of Yogesh Ramteke, Naman Saraf, and Om Prakash Mourya, students of IIT Bombay, this visionary model harnesses the power of wind energy, specifically that generated by passing vehicles along highway dividers. Developed as part of their curriculum, it represents a harmonious blend of eco-consciousness and practicality.

Kathputli Robots

Pankaj, a master’s student at IIT Gandhinagar, has merged his expertise in control and dynamics with robotics and manipulation to craft a mesmerizing art installation. Using laser-cut acrylic, he encapsulated Kathputli Dancers who gracefully dance through a choreography orchestrated by motors and pulleys. This fusion of traditional art and cutting-edge technology creates a captivating and dynamic spectacle


Excited to see more prototypes? The Vishwakarma Awards assembles the brightest student minds to compete in the creation of scalable technological solutions for real-world challenges. Take a moment to explore the champions from the previous year who made a Solar Water Antimicrobial Purifier for rapid water purification with net-zero carbon footprint. Watch the full video.

Ravi Mariwalla

“Now, think about what your invention or innovation does on a broader scale. How does society benefit from it? Does it have the potential to change usage patterns or even redefine the market entirely?”

Ravi Mariwala

Founder & CEO, Smaart Water
From Workshop “The In-Between Stuff: A Journey from Idea to Market”

Watch the full Workshop


Buzz in the Community

Dr. Hemant Kanakia recently hosted an “Ask me Anything” on entrepreneurship in our WhatsApp Community, tailored for passionate Tinkerers. It was an exciting evening of stimulating discussion where Dr. Kanakia answered questions like “how does one analyze the market?” and “how does one gain the confidence to leave a high paying job to pursue entrepreneurship with zero savings?”

Check out the full update on Twitter!

MBF CEO in CSR Universe

Damayanti Bhattacharya was recently interviewed by Ruchika Kumar for CSR Universe. Bhattacharya talks about how Makerspaces are the next generation of learning facilities, fostering innovation and problem-solving among students.

Read the Full Article

IIT Hyderabad’s Tinkerers’ Lab Students organized a Micromouse, a maze-solving competition as part of the inter-hostel competition, MILAN. Participants were challenged to design and build autonomous robots capable of navigating a maze. They marketed through a mobile game following the same mechanics.


Author MBF

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